

IP Coordinator:
Dr.-Ing. Tassilo Moritz

Fraunhofer IKTS
Winterbergstr. 28
01277 Dresden

Phone: +49(0)351/2553-7747
Fax: +49(0)3351/2554-197

E-Mail: Tassilo.Moritz[at]ikts.fraunhofer.de

Device Development

The suspension based methods Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) and Thermoplastic 3D-Printing (T3DP) will be developed for enabling multi material ceramic AM. For that purpose FDM and T3DP machines have to be constructed or existing machines have to be equipped with additional functionalities forming the technical basis for the process development. In the case of Lithography-based Ceramic Manufacturing (LCM) or Direct Light Processing (DLP) beside a multi material approach also a multifunctionalisation of components shall be attained by manufacturing dense and porous structures in one part. This process will be demonstrated in two case studies (spinal implant, knee partial resurfacing implants). For attaining this goal two machine developers are involved in the consortia. As one outcome of the project machines for AM shall be available which allow depositing two or more different ceramic and/or metallic materials such as pure binders as sacrificial materials or as structural supports.

FFF Device

LCM device

T3DP device

Dispensing unit for T3DP

The newly developed machines can be seen working in three videos at the Opens internal link in current windowProcess Development page.