IP Coordinator:
Dr.-Ing. Tassilo Moritz
Fraunhofer IKTS
Winterbergstr. 28
01277 Dresden
Phone: +49(0)351/2553-7747
Fax: +49(0)3351/2554-197
E-Mail: Tassilo.Moritz[at]
For all three methods – FDM, LCM, and T3DP - suspensions must be developed and adjusted according to the special requirements of the additive manufacturing devices. For a multi material approach the different suspensions have to be adjusted with consideration of the common sintering step of the combined materials.
Independent from the methodology of materials combination the materials chosen for these multi material applications must have (i) a comparable Thermal Extension Coefficient (TEC), (ii) a comparable sintering behaviour (starting point, shrinking behaviour, and (iii) the same sintering conditions (temperature, atmosphere, gas pressure, etc.). Moreover, the total shrinkage during co-firing has to be adjusted.
First results:
For testing of developed light-curable and thermoplastic suspensions and for verifying the feasibility of Lithography-based Ceramic Manufacturing (LCM) and Thermoplastic 3D-Printing (T3DP) for attaining smallest dimensions with narrow tolerances different testing structures have been designed which will be tested in the project.
First success in LCM suspension development:
The cerAMfacturing participants are working hard on the development of the new base materials. For the LCM suspensions some new recipes have been developed, that show first signs of success. Composed from different base elements the first printable slurries have been made.
There are curing results with Al2O3 and with ZrO2. Even the first actual 3D part has been printed. Although many parameters need to be further explored and set, this small success brings good forecasts to the ability of fully sintered end parts.
Pots with different experimental slurriey of ADM First light-cured slices from different base slurry
recipes ADM
During the project, new materials were tested and new feedstocks developed.
The results went into process development, which can be see in three videos on the Process Development page.